Hello, I'm a full-stack developer based in Italy!

Federico Pregnolato

Developer / Designer / Solutions Architect

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Federico is a full-stack developer based in Rome with a passion for building digital products/services. He thrives on solving real-world problems and enjoys seeing a new project from planning to launch. When not coding, he tries new things and explores new fun stuff. Follow me on my journey to discover tech, coding, engineering, and design.


1992Born in Rome, Italy.
2012Studied Electronic Engineering at Rome Tre University - Rome
2021Completed the Fullstack Open course from Helsinki University - Finland
2023Completed Bachelor's of Science in Business Management with Techonolgy emphasis at Brigham Young University - Idaho
2023Mobile & Full Stack Developer @ Moveshelf
PresentSoftware Engineer @ Travelpass

I ❤︎

History, Travel, Calisthenics, Photography, Machine Learning, Computer Science

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